A Brief History

Heart Centered Multi-Age was founded by Jennifer MacDonald, a local mother and teacher in 2011.  It was a family and community effort to open the doors that first fall.  Like so many great things, a group of moms began discussing the need for educational options in the summer of 2010, with dedicated parents who painted, moved furniture, and hung signs, Heart Centered Multi-Age opened its doors in August of 2011, one day after Hurricane Irene made her way through New England and provided us with our first ever August, "No School Day!"

In that first year, there was only one teacher and six children.  In the following years HCMA grew to offer multi-age instruction to nearly 100 children and expanded to include a Nature Based Preschool option in collaboration with the Slim Baker Foundation for Outdoor Education.

In 2019 traditional day programming at Heart Centered Multi-Age came to an end and an emphasis on providing Forest Day nature immersion experiences to ALL children was developed. Today, Heart Centered Multi-Age Director and Founder, Jennifer MacDonald, provides nature based immersion experiences to public and private school children in the form of weekly Forest Day programs.



The Mission

Children at Heart Centered Multi-Age will learn through their senses in an environment that supports their natural curiosity.  Through connections with peers, teachers and community children will develop their own unique potential that will further motivate their exploration of their world.  Children at Heart Centered Multi-Age will explore and discover in an environment which promotes honesty, generosity and harmonious living with each other and nature.

Upcoming Events

I am looking forward to presenting at the “Discover Your Joy: The Joy of Teaching from the Inside Out” workshop on November 15th at the Bessie Rowel Community Center in Franklin, NH. More Information Here!


Matters of the Heart

Forest Day News!


weekly nature notes

In the Beginning

The Archives